Concerning the Stories

My short stories are very short, mostly, closer to flash fiction than a classic short story. But, I think flash fiction is trending. It’s a thing people can grab and read on the commute home, read in a few minutes at breakfast over coffee and pastry. It’s my opinion that flash fiction paces our society. It’s not what I intend to stay with forever, but it’s a starting place. I was told that Hemingway started like this, but probably not like this.

The next thing is that these stories are subject to revisions, nothing major though. One per week will be work-shopped by peers in a community called Becoming Writer. Peer review has been eye opening, but I don’t see how beginning writers do without it.

Lastly, everyone is welcome to peer review me here also. If you find flaws or errors. or just think my story could be made better, just register, sign in, and then leave a comment or two. You’ll find the register link to the right, it’s WordPress, it’s familiar and easy. Anyone can comment, but to leave a comment, you MUST be registered and logged in.

More stories will be up soon.



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